Front Wyzwolenia Zwierząt (in english: Animal Liberation Front) is a nationwide Polish movement that brings together people in defense of tormented innocent animals. FWZ unites those individuals, groups and organisations that actively defend animals in a peaceful but firm and direct way. It was formed by Darek Paczkowski in Grudziadz (Poland) in 1988. Since that time it has attracted a number of wonderful people who are compassionate about animals and prepared to fight for their freedom. FWZ has got a decentralized horizontal structure with no leaders and no subordinates in which all the activists are responsible for themselves. The FWZ differs from the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) in that its activities have a peaceful character and in that it puts great emphasis on educating people.
FWZ activists get involved in a number of activities for animals' benefit, such as voicing opposition against vivisection, circuses, zoos, fur farms, slaughterhouses, etc. FWZ organizes pickets, demonstrations, information protests, theme displays and social campaigns. A FWZ address network and an open info-discussion mailing list on the Internet (in Polish) facilitate the flow of information within the movement. To join the mailing list simply send the message "subscribe" to FWZ is constantly developing and in its activity it relies on the involvement of sensitive people who are determined to act! Animals are weak and only we can defend them from ourselves!
The FWZ Internet page is:
FWZ media contact (in Polish):